We are an Association that was created in 2006 without spirit of profit, since then we are working and devoting ourselves only and exclusively to the care and alertness of the Marine environment, in fact up to the date we have realized several cleanlinesses in our(ours) You Laugh, many(many people) might be realized more activities, but for lack of economic support, it is impossible to survive only with the quotas of the associates, being they often those who run with the expenses.
It(He, She) is for what we request the support of third persons who want to contribute(pay) to be able like that to continue with these activities
Our Association is being known increasingly, so(then), close to Outfitters' Association ASOAR we coordinate them already mentioned marine cleanlinesses of our ports and You Laugh. We are a group of persons with illusion and some kind of(some, something) of experience, but we believe that there has come the moment to stimulate the Association in order that we prune to continue doing all that and other things that are arising with developing of our activity, but economically us is almost impossible to lead it to end.
All the Environmental activities bear a few expenses, sometimes impossible to support, it(he, she) is for what we request support to companies, individuals and of the whole people that for very small that is the help always will be received well. In advance thanks to all for yours collaboration.
If it(he) is interested in the work that we realize we have created a Blog in Internet http: // buceoneptunomedioambiental.blogspot.com / where we expose our activities.
And besides we have created a Forum http: // netunomedioambi.creatuforo.com/index.php/that canalizes the participation of all the fans and interested party in these topics or that have some idea that to contribute.
We do not want to spread any more in this presentation, for what we invite him(her) to that between(among) in our page and it(he,she) knows us more detailed.
Es por lo que solicitamos el apoyo de terceras personas que quieran contribuir para así poder seguir con estas actividades.
Nuestra Asociación está siendo cada vez más conocida, pues, junto a la Asociación de Armadores ASOAR coordinamos las ya mencionadas limpiezas marinas de nuestros puertos y Rías.
Somos un grupo de personas con ilusión y algo de experiencia, pero creemos que ha llegado el momento de impulsar la Asociación para que podamos seguir haciendo todo esto y otras cosas que vayan surgiendo con el devenir de nuestra actividad, pero económicamente nos es casi imposible llevarlo a cabo.
Todas las actividades Medioambientales conllevan unos gastos, a veces imposibles de mantener, es por lo que solicitamos apoyo a empresas, particulares y a toda la gente que por muy pequeña que sea la ayuda siempre será bien recibida.
De antemano gracias a todos por vuestra colaboración
Si está interesado en el trabajo que realizamos hemos creado un Blog en Internet http://buceoneptunomedioambiental.blogspot.com/ donde exponemos nuestras actividades. Y además hemos creado un Foro http://netunomedioambi.creatuforo.com/index.phpque canaliza la participación de todos los aficionados e interesados en estos temas o que tengan alguna idea que aportar.
No queremos extendernos más en esta presentación, por lo que le invitamos a que entre en nuestra página y nos conozca más detalladamente